Shoutout Sunday // A Whole Month’s Worth of Incredible Posts! – May

Shoutout Sunday Explination

I’m back with another Shoutout Sunday!

I love these posts because it forces me to sit down and spend time reading everyone’s posts, checking in on people and finding incredible content!

I also just wanted to quickly mention I NOW HAVE OVER 100 FOLLOWERS???? WTF! That is super exciting and I am honestly so honoured that people like my posts enough to follow me on this journey of books and complaining about my family ahah. But, for real, y’all have all been so bloody lovely and my heart feels so full from being a part of this community!

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Books, Books, and More Books

Tags, Read-A-Thons & Themed Reading Lists

Cait @ Paper Fury created the Emotions in Colours tagged after being prompted by the Top Ten Tuesday topic; Books with My Favourite Colour on the cover (or in the title). I thought it was so great that I even did it myself!

Jamieson @ Jamishelves is hosting the Marvel-A-Thon based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe! It begins midnight, June 1st to midnight July 1st in your timezone. For more information, click here.

Jamieson @ Jamieshelves also created an Autumn TBR for those of us heading into Autumn!

Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books made a list of books she thought would be favourites for the F.R.I.E.N.D.S gang! I think she really hit the nail on the head with the ones she chose for Monica!

Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx curated a list of her favourite childhood reads! She included books from her teenage years so it has a great mix of middle grade and young adult.

Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx also gave her recommendations for great Audiobooks for people to check out as well as books on her audiobook TBR!

Nia @ Shades of Paper gave some recommendations for those in a book slump, I wish I had seen something like this while in my soul-crushing slump but I am more than happy to spread the love for anyone in the slump trenches!

Ivy @ Ivy’s Library Card posted about her recommendations for those looking to read about mental illness in the fictional world! It features some big names, as well as ones I haven’t seen much about so you might get to find something new!

Stacey @ Pretty Books shared her recommendations for non-fiction books about mental illness, for those hoping to learn something new or to help those battling mental illness themselves. I am especially keen to check out Dodie’s book, Secrets for the Mad.

May @ Forever and Everly shared favourite Asian book recs for books about Asian characters and/or by Asian authors! I need to get my hands on Girls of Paper and Fire immediately!

Upcoming Releases

Cait @ Paper Fury and Jamieson @ Jamieshelves both curated lists of their most anticipated releases for the coming months! So many new books! So many to be excited about! We’re so lucky to be alive in a time where we get to see all these incredibly diverse and well-executed books are being released into the world! I’m particularly excited about Cait’s new and debut novel, A Thousand Perfect Notes! AAAHHH! It’s so close!

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Haley @ Fangirl Fury is a Moody Reader and Proud in her post talking about why she doesn’t create public monthly TBRs. I’ve had to refrain from making my own TBR posts lately because I’m worried I’ll scare myself off and find myself in the slump again! I’m not even completely out yet, I’m not reading anywhere near as much as I once was.

Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx makes another appearance to talk about why she chooses to take a book off her TBR. Honestly, this is how I aspire to be when it comes to my TBR. Not sure if I have the self-control though…

Rhea @ Bookchanted talked about the importance of diversity and representation in books and you’re damned right I’m gonna keep including posts like this in Shoutout Sundays because it’s important, damn it!

Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx makes a final appearance on this post to tell us why she actively chooses not to read books about her disability. I’m the opposite, I wanna read books that represent me, even when they hurt to read. But I can understand why others might not want that.

Zuky @ Book Bum chats about what makes a book a 5 star read for her, and I gotta say, we have a few in common. I love disturbed, narcissistic protagonists…in books that is. I try my best to steer away from them in real life but it’s hard when that makes up like 50% of your family ahahahhahahaha.

The Orangutan Librarian discusses why they love the reread their favourite books! And I’ve gotta say, I agree…Though I do wish I would allow myself to reread more often. There’s just sooooo many new books that want my attention. Ugh. Serious bookworm problems, right?

Beth @ Reading Every Night talks about why world building is so important to her and, while I agree, for the most part, I’m very much inclined to read and enjoy books on the characters alone. A solid world is a great plus though!

Jillian @ Jillian the Bookish Butterfly chatted with her followers about how life can affect her reading, especially when it comes to fitting in the time around a busy schedule and work life!

Zuky @ Book Bum shares her Netgalley ARC picks of the week and I gotta say, I think that’s a great idea so I had to share it with, hopefully, more people!

Becca @ Bec & Bones asked a great question, do our opinions really count for DNF books? She shares how the Netgalley recommended rating system helped her decide on how she is going to rate and review DNF books from now on, at least through Netgalley. I have to say I didn’t even know there was a Netgalley recommended rating system! I have been asking myself the same questions and this has really helped me decide on how will rate them going forward.

Avery @ Red Rocket Panda chatted with us about the difficulty of balancing reading and reviewing. I’m sure we’ve all been there, struggling with wanting to pick up another book while knowing we should probably get around to getting on top of that lengthening list of review we’ve RTC’d on Goodreads.

Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books asked the question; do we have to review books to be a book blogger? And I’m of the mind that, no, you don’t. I mean look at me, I barely posts reviews but I love talking about books in other ways! Reviews are a great starting point, but they aren’t the be all, end all of the book blogging world.

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Writing Advice and Stereotypes

Abbie @ Abbiee gives some great advice on how to write when you can’t write! It features a lot of encouragement for self-love and snippets from her WIP!

Vivian Parkin DeRosa @ Writing with Style advises writers on how to avoid inconsistencies in their work. It has some amazing tips, plus, Vivian includes a free printable!

Cait @ Paper Fury talks about writer stereotypes and how true they are for her! It’s a great light read, and pokes fun at us writers in Cait’s hilarious way!

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Miscellaneous, because I didn’t know where as to put them

Toxic Family Members

In a Messy World talked about their battle with toxic family member and why they have to cut them out of their lives. As someone who feels like I’m battling toxic family members constantly and it’s not easy to cut them out. Sometimes your relationships with others will forever tie you to them, but it’s important to set boundaries and keep your distance if necessary.

Social Media and Mental Health

Wendy @ What the Log discussed the implications Social Media can have on our mental health, whether negative or positive! It’s a great discussion. I’ve found that it can affect me both ways. Places like Facebook can make me particularly angry, Twitter can make me feel in touch with the outside world, while also burning me at the same time, and places like Goodreads and this blog have mostly been positive influences in my life.

Bookstagram Privilege

Avery @ Red Rocket Panda discusses bookstagram and the privilege surrounding it and I agree with them. It can be hard to get noticed, gain followers when you don’t have shelves and shelves of books, or expensive lighting, cameras, and props. I’m timidly putting my toe in the bookstagram waters and it costs money! Even, if like me, you’re doing it the cheapest way you know how.

Guilty Pleasures

Erin Kelly @ NewStatesman talks about why they don’t buy into the whole guilty pleasures things. And yes! I’ve been saying this for years! I don’t feel guilty about anything that brings me joy. I proudly watch reality shows, watch shitty shows about teenage drama, eat too much fried chicken and laugh at stupid videos on the internet. I’ve had to deal with my step dad and his mates giving me shit for the things I enjoy and every single time my response is LET PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS ASSHOLE. While they’re spreading negative energy, I’m tucking in for some serious entertainment and enjoying the small things in life.


Elise @ The Bookish Actress shared her review of the Love, Simon film and I loved it! She talks about how the humour is marketed towards queer people and that it’s the only mainstream movie where the gay lead character doesn’t meet a tragic ending and how important that is!


Lia @ Lost in Story has her own Red Bubble store with bookish items you can buy with her beautiful designs all over them! There’s a YA Icon series, Six of Crows character cards as well as other bookish designs!

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What posts stood out to you this month?
If you have recs for me to check out, drop them in the comments below, if you have your own post that your particularly proud of, self-promo away and I’ll check it out! 


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26 thoughts on “Shoutout Sunday // A Whole Month’s Worth of Incredible Posts! – May

  1. Thank you so much for featuring so many of my posts, you just made my day! AND OMG CONGRATS ON 100 FOLLOWERS THAT’S AN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENT!
    I’ll make sure to check out the rest of these posts! 😘😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the shout-out! I’m glad you liked my post and my recommendations 😊 there are some seriously good post on this list. I’m in aw of the company I have. Very flattered 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Grey, this is such an incredible post! I currently have tabs open with almost all of these blogs, so I have a lot of reading to do after I finish writing a new post of my own! Thanks for featuring me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re more than welcome lovely! I’m so glad I get to share the love and hopefully help others find new blogs to follow, and great posts that can help them in anyway 💙💙💙


  4. Thank you for the shout out! We had some really great discussion come out of that post. And there’s so much other great content on here!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahh thank you soo much for mentioning my post! I’m beyond happy you enjoyed it, because reading slump suck and we should do something😅.

    Also congrats on the 100 followers!! You totally deserve it💕.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for featuring me! I’ve started to post monthly TBRs (not every month though) as a way for me to keep track of what I read but still trying not worry if I get to each book. So glad I have so many posts to catch up on now!

    Liked by 1 person

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