Shoutout Sunday // A Bounty of Brilliance – April

Shoutout Sunday Explination

Shoutout Sunday is a weekly meme hosted by Elise @ The Bookish Actress where she shoutouts a variety of different blog posts! It’s such a great way to showcase brilliant content that I felt like I had to join in! 

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Reviews and Book Rec’s

Dani @ Touch My Spine Book Reviews posted An Assortment of 5 Star Review this week.
1. I love the Whitman’s sampler comparison.
2. Her reviews were short and sweet and I found a book to add to my TBR.
3. Thanks to her review on Surviving and Thriving with an Invisible Chronic Illness I discover that Dany, like myself, has Fibromyalgia Syndrome. She’s the first blogger/book reviewer that I’ve come across with the FMS.

Melanie @ Mel To The Any shared her Hogwarts House Book Recommendations last week. I highly suggest checking it out! I found some new Ravenclaw reads because of it and I highly recommend the Slytherin list because honestly, they’re all amazing!

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#OwnVoices, Diversity and Speaking Up

Allie @ AllieMBooks posted an amendment to her Upside of Unrequited review about Being Fat & Having Crushes in February.  She talks about what it’s like as a fat teenager with crushes and how skinny reviewers will never truly understand what that’s like and why frequent and long-lasting unrequited crushes are actually the norm for fat teenagers.

Marija @ Inside My Library Mind talked about Problematic Faves, specifically Harry Potter, in February. She raised many great points about why it’s really important for writer’s to explicitly state when a character is a minority instead of stating it after the face as if it’s an afterthought. she also talks about how upsetting it can be when your faves are problematic and having to choose whether or not to continue loving the work anyway.

Sydney @ Fire and Rain Books last week talked about what it’s like as a high school student in America right now and Books to Help You Find Your Voice in the activism community. This is a great idea for teens who might feel a bit discouraged from speaking out considering how many are being attacked my adults right now for it.

Elise @ The Bookish Actress talked about the #Buryyourgays trope in her post Please Stop Killing Me in February. This trope is popping up quite frequently at the moment and I’m really just so very sick of it. Elise does an amazing job at making the conversation deeply personal (because for LGTBQIA+ people it is), while also counteracting any argument someone can think up as to why it’s not a big deal. Elise’s post made me realise I don’t and shouldn’t have to settle for books where characters like me are always killed.

Hannah @ Mortal Reader in February posted about Anxiety and Toxic Friendships and how the two can be very intertwined. She talks about the warning signs and how she overcome her anxiety in order to get herself out of unhealthy friendships.  As someone who has been in an abusive friendship, she really nailed it for me.

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Feminism and Celebrity

Holly @ Nut Free Nerd wrote about Taylor Swift as a Problematic Poet last year. Once again we visit the Problematic Fave™ dilemma in Holly’s series Feminist Fridays.
She also asked the question Have Celebrities Corrupted the Feminist Movement in her post in February. It was such a great discussion!

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Vicky @ Vicky Who Reads talked about How to get People to Comment on your blog and what makes her comment on a post last week. I found it quite helpful and since reading it I have gone out of my way to make sure I comment on other bloggers posts more often because if I enjoy getting comments on my posts then I would like to spread that joy some more myself!

May @ Forever and Everly shared her Tips on blogging via WordPress and how to do all those cool tricks like different kinds of font and centring images back in January. I found them super helpful and have started using most of them myself!

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Savannah @ The Book Prophet talks about her favourite Kpop singers and rappers last month. If you’re interested in kpop and are looking for more artists or just want an excuse to talk about it with someone, that’s your chance.

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History and True Crime

Ignited Mouth covered a few women of history for Women’s History Month last month! She included her own illustrations in her posts about Marie Curie, Harriet Tubman and Joan of Arc! I was really excited to find another book blogger who posted about history recently, with the first instalment of my new series, Ancient Archives, having posted last Sunday.

Krystin @ Here’s the Fucking Twist shared loads of Killer Quotes for her series True Crime Tuesday last week! I really love getting an extra true crime fix every week, her posts are always super interesting and great at building the atmosphere for each of the stories she shares.

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What are some great posts you’ve come across lately?


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28 thoughts on “Shoutout Sunday // A Bounty of Brilliance – April

  1. YAY! I’m glad you enjoyed my post and that it was helpful! Sometimes we as a community are a little closed off from interacting with other, but it’s that “Let’s comment!” mentality that you just showed is probably something we definitely need to move toward.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I definitely took a few things away from it! I’ve been commenting loads more now and it’s so great getting to know everyone a little better ☺️
      I hope more people try and make a conscious effort to interact more

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aw, thank you so much for including my Women’s History Posts here. ❤ I truly appreciate the shoutout, and I’m so glad you enjoyed the posts. 🙂
    I love history. Definitely going to have to check out your Ancient Archives post you mentioned!
    This is such a great post. Thanks again! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT POST!!! but so glad you liked it and it proved helpful! there are so many awesome bloggers on this list–I can’t wait to check out their books!!! thanks for linking my post up ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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